Especially with the special finishes on both coins. I would like to see silver more as gold has way too much premiums and cost from both mints. I do like the idea of Multiple Mints collaborating on special sets. Unless we are talking about an Enhanced Proof/Reverse Proof/Uncirculated. I hope they do not make more of the Morgan/Peace dollars for next year. Not more like Australia Mint, but not the amount of privy marks like Canada Maples. The coin program, authorized under provisions of Public Law 117-163, calls for the production and release in Proof and Uncirculated versions, combined, of up to 50,000. I wish the US mint did have more coin variety than just the ASE for 1 oz bullion. Now I think if they do, they should make it for 1 or 2 years, Uncirculated and Proof/Special Finish and end it. Imagine seeing a Modern Seated Liberty, Flowing Hair, Draped Bust, or Trade dollars? As someone that cannot afford putting thousands on a decent grade of some of those coins, I would love to see these remade for collectors. To be honest, I wouldnt mind seeing a reproduction of old styles of dollar coins. If these bullion coins are money makers for the US Mint will any Treasury Secretary be able to resist the temptation to increase the revenue by issuing an ever-increasing number of these? Will they become a yearly thing, like the modern Morgan and Peace dollar bullion coins have become?